

See also Research Projects for web-apps and web-publications


A. S. Green, T. C. Wilkinson, D. A. Wilkinson, N. Highcock and T. P. Leppard (2024). Cities and Citadels: An Archaeology of Inequality and Economic Growth. Routledge. [OA digital version doi: 10.4324/9781003183563] [book version at Routledge] [Cities and Citadels website]

T.C. Wilkinson (2014) Tying the Threads of Eurasia: Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, eastern Anatolia and western Central Asia, c. 3000-1500BC. Leiden, Sidestone Press. 408pp. [pdf – note that certain images are blanked out in this pdf for licencing reasons], [OA download and full print version from] [selected original figures and appendices available to download and reuse with attribution.]

Edited  Volumes

S. Sherratt and T. C. Wilkinson (eds.) (2023). Circuits of Metal Value: Changing Roles of Metals in the Early Aegean and Nearby Lands. Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 14. Oxford, Oxbow Books. [link to description]

Y. Galanakis, T. Wilkinson and J. Bennet, J. (eds.) (2014) ΑΘΥΡΜΑΤΑ (athyrmata). Critical Essays on the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honour of E. Susan Sherratt. Archaeopress Archaeology. Oxford, Archaeopress. iv+274pp. [link to description on]

T. C., Wilkinson, S. Sherratt and J. Bennet (eds.) (2011). Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st millennia BC. Oxford, Oxbow. [link to description]

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

D. Meiggs, A. Slawisch, T.C. Wilkinson (2023). A preliminary assessment of ancient diet and mobility in Archaic period Asia minor: A view from Panormos, near Didyma. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 51: 104169 doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104169

A. R. Knodell, T. C. Wilkinson, T. Leppard and H. A. Orengo (2022). Survey Archaeology in the Mediterranean World: Regional Traditions and Contributions to Long-Term History. Journal of Archaeological Research 2022: doi:10.1007/s10814-022-09175-7.

T. C. Wilkinson and A. Slawisch (2020) An agro-pastoral palimpsest: New insights into the historical rural economy of the Milesian peninsula from aerial and remote-sensing imagery. Anatolian Studies 70: 181-206. [link to pdf on CUP: doi:10.1017/S0066154619000164 ]

G. Lucarini, T. Wilkinson, E.R. Crema, A. Palombini, A. Bevan and C. Broodbank (2020) The MedAfriCarbon Radiocarbon Database and Web Application. Archaeological Dynamics in Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600–700 BC. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 8(1), 1:

A. Slawisch and T. C. Wilkinson (2018) Processions, Propaganda and Pixels: Reconstructing the ‘Sacred Way’ between Miletos and Didyma. American Journal of Archaeology 122.1: pp. 101–143. [link to OA pdf: doi:10.3764/aja.122.1.0101 ]

N. Strupler and T. C. Wilkinson (2017) Reproducibility in the field: transparency, version control and collaboration on the Project Panormos Survey. Open Archaeology 3: 279–304. [link to OA pdf: doi:10.1515/opar-2017-0019 ]

T. C. Wilkinson (2014) The Early Transcaucasian phenomenon in structural-systemic perspective: cuisine, craft and economy. Paléorient 40.2: 203-229[link to pdf:; maps available as pdfs]

T. C. Wilkinson (2008). ‘Falling out of an Aircraft: Aerovisualism and the Aerial Photography of J.S.P. Bradford’, Visual Anthropology 21:1, 18 – 38 [pdf; pdf via doi:10.1080/08949460701688924]

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

T. C. Wilkinson (2018) Cloth and Currency: On the Ritual-Economics of Eurasian Textile Circulation and the ‘Origins’ of Trade, Fifth to Second millennia BC, in K. Kristiansen, T. Lindkvist, J. Myrdal (eds.) Trade and Civilization: Economic Networks and Cultural Ties, from Prehistory to the Modern Era. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link to pdf on CUP: doi:10.1017/9781108340946.003 ]

C. Glatz, B. Düring, B. and T. C. Wilkinson (2015) Developing an Adaptive Field Methodology for Challenging Landscapes. In B. Düring and C. Glatz (eds.). Kinetic Landscapes: The Cide Archaeological Project 2009-2011 – Surveying the Western Turkish Black Sea Region. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open: 53-103. [link to OA pdf: doi:10.1515/9783110444971-008 ]

T. C. Wilkinson (2015) Alternatif Ekonomoler: Yapısal-Sistemik Bakış Açısıyla Erken Transkafkasya Fenomeni, in Mehmet Işıklı and Birol Can (eds.) in Mehmet Işıklı and Birol Can (eds.) International Symposium on East Anatolia–South Caucasus Cultures, 10-13 October 2012, volume I. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 112-120. [preprint as pdf, in Turkish]

Other Articles and Reports

A. Slawisch and T. C. Wilkinson (2022). Watching over Didim’s archaeological heritage: an increasing challenge. Heritage Turkey 12: 34-45. [link]

T. C. Wilkinson and A. Slawisch (2019). Survey, sense and sensibilities: Reflections on old and new spatial archaeologies on the Project Panormos Survey. Heritage Turkey 9: 36–37. doi: 10.18866/biaa2019.19 [link]

T. C. Wilkinson and A. Slawisch (2017). Panormos 2017: Intensive Survey on the Milesian Peninsula. Heritage Turkey 7: 32–33. [link]

T. C. Wilkinson and A. Slawisch (2017). Intensive Survey on the Milesian Peninsula. Research Highlights. Archaeology at Cambridge 2016–7, 46.

A. Slawisch and T. C. Wilkinson (2016) Panormos, Türkei: Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2014 und 2015. e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologsichen Instituts, 2016-2, 114–118. [in German].

T. C. Wilkinson (2014) Dressing the house, dressing the pots: textile-inspired decoration in the late 3rd and 2nd millennia BC east Mediterranean, in Y. Galanakis, T. Wilkinson, J. Bennet (eds.) ΑΘΥΡΜΑΤΑ (athyrmata). Critical Essays on the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honour of E. Susan Sherratt Archaeopress Archaeology. Oxford, Archaeopress. pp. 261-274. [pdf]

B. Hürmüzlü and T. C. Wilkinson (2014) Isparta Arkeolojik Surveyi 2012 Yılı Çalışmaları: Konane (Conana), Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 35.

T. C. Wilkinson (2012). Macro-scale Analysis of Material Culture in Their Landscapes: Case-studies in “Invisible Flows”, in Roger Matthews and John Curtis, with Michael Seymour, Alexandra Fletcher, Alison Gascoigne, Claudia Glatz, St John Simpson, Helen Taylor, Jonathan Tubb and Rupert Chapman (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, London, 12-16 April 2010, the British Museum and UCL, London. Volume 1. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [pdf]

T. C. Wilkinson (2010) On the Web: ArchAtlas: an odyssey in place and time. British Archaeology 114 (Sep/Oct 2010).

Dudding, J. and Wilkinson, T. C. (2005). ‘Visual Anthropology: An Extremely Brief Introduction’, The Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, Newsletter, no. 52 (April 2005), 8.

Web Publications

T. C. Wilkinson (2016). Steps Toward the Study of Seasonality and Trade. ArchAtlas, May 2016, [link]

Wilkinson, T. C. (2010). ‘Pathways and highways: routes in Bronze Age Eurasia’, ArchAtlas, February 2010, Edition 4, [link]

T. C. Wilkinson (2009). Introduction to Remote Sensing data for Global Archaeology, ArchAtlas, June 2009, [link]

Wilkinson, T. C. (2008). ‘Virtual globes, geotagging and global landscapes: visualisation and database technologies in the age of the Internet’, ArchAtlas, January 2008, Edition 3, [link]

Wilkinson, T. C. (2007). ‘Material globes on material worlds – Google Earth and social change’, Material World, January 2007. [link]

Research Data Publications

T. C. Wilkinson, N. Strupler and A. Slawisch (2020) Project Panormos Archaeological Survey Data (survey-data) (Version 0.2.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3941561

G. Lucarini, T. Wilkinson, E.R. Crema, A. Palombini, A. Bevan and C. Broodbank (2020) The MedAfriCarbon Radiocarbon Database and Web Application. Archaeological Dynamics in Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600–700 BC (Version 1.0.3) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3630619

T. C. Wilkinson, N. Strupler and A. Slawisch (2017) Project Panormos Archaeological Survey: Daily Log (survey-dailylog) (Version 0.1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

T.C. Wilkinson (2017). Project Panormos Archaeological Survey: Method Design (survey-design) (Version 0.1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

B.S. During, C. Glatz, T.C. Wilkinson, T.E. Şerifoğlu, (2015) Cide Archaeological Project. DANS.

Doctoral thesis

Wilkinson, T. C. (2012). Tying the Threads of Eurasia: Trans-Regional Routes and Material Flows in Eastern Anatolia and Western Central Asia, c. 3000-1500BC. PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield. [summary]